Sunday, September 4, 2011

Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon Lacks Lewis & Labor Day

An American institution is about to change forever. The annual MDA Labor Day Telethon with Jerry Lewis has been downsized, dismantled, and its host, dismissed.

The traditional, twenty-hour, overnight marathon will be compressed tonight into 6 primetime hours, but more importantly, its host and heart for 45 years will be nowhere in sight. Jerry Lewis, the MDA National Chairman for decades has been unceremoniously dismissed from duties in what was to be his final year, with no reasonable explanation forthcoming.

With a telethon tradition spanning decades, almost everyone has memories of staying up all night to watch Jerry in the wee hours and phoning in their donations before the final timpani. In this way, and under his watch, over a billion dollars have been raised throughout the years, yet now, no final farewell and thank you for a half-century of service?

Thank you, Mr. Lewis.